ogala19132 Approved

Member since: 2016-09-27

Recent posts by ogala19132
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The email is succesfully sent to mailchimp, that part works. But when I type in my email on the web...

Posted in MailChimp plugin doesn't work in partials

Awesome, that works!

The user doesn't get any feedback if they signed up succesfully or not though. ...

Posted in MailChimp plugin doesn't work in partials

It's a step further, but it seems like when I define the listid in the component in the cms on the H...

Posted in MailChimp plugin doesn't work in partials


When I try to use the MailChimp component, I get the error: AJAX handler 'mailSignup::onSignup' ...

Posted in MailChimp plugin doesn't work in partials