moshem17556 Approved

Member since: 2016-07-22

Recent posts by moshem17556
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I found the solution -- I need to take out the first line of the code: form:

In other words, the co...

Posted in Problem Creating a Theme Customization File for October CMS

I am having trouble getting theme customization form fields to show up in the backend when I use a s...

Posted in Problem Creating a Theme Customization File for October CMS


In case anyone else needs to do something similar, I am using a combination of Eoler's ans...

Posted in Same Layout - Unique Class Names

I want to use the same layout for different pages, but add a unique class name for each of them. Fo...

Posted in Same Layout - Unique Class Names


Here is how I got Elixir to work on my install of October.

1) Copied the package.json and ...

Posted in Compiling less and bundles