klas.wirholm Approved

Member since: 2020-07-05

Recent posts by klas.wirholm
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I figured out, had to add Virtual host for ip on local network, also. Added last IN Apache config: /...

Posted in More than on October installation, localhost and local domain

I had som problems getting more than one October installation to function in backend, got wrong secu...

Posted in More than on October installation, localhost and local domain

I figured it out, there was links to images in the other October installation (copy of a theme from...

Posted in copy and paste of plugins, invalid security tokens

mjauvin said:

there's php artisan plugin:install

How do you use that command for multiple plugins...

Posted in copy and paste of plugins, invalid security tokens

I try to find I way to fast develop a new October installation (for customers). I have a lot of "def...

Posted in copy and paste of plugins, invalid security tokens

There is this plugin, witch is quite good. You can choose with page popup will show up on, static pa...

Posted in Popup - Once a Day

There was some issues with images in storage directory, after upgrade of October CMS, with relative ...

Posted in Image uploading issues

After upgrade yesterday I got that function. I even can see all the images I had uploaded before on ...

Posted in Possibility to access the media library

I figured it out. I just removed the last content in seeder109.php in update directory for the plugi...

Posted in Error installing: too long content text in seeder

I also got that error:

SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column...

Posted in Error installing: too long content text in seeder