Johnathan Heath Approved

Member since: 2020-02-11

Recent posts by Johnathan Heath
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Hey, thanks for the speedy reply. That makes perfect sense. It kept bugging me that I was missing so...

Posted in RainLab Static Pages plugin compatibility with blog plugin [resolved]

Hey, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, thought it'd be worth a shot to post on ...

Posted in RainLab Static Pages plugin compatibility with blog plugin [resolved]

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you meant, but you're saying I can define it so that the static page...

Posted in Repeater field variables not functioning correctly on partials [resolved]

Yes, that is correct. The code will be placed in a footer partial that will appear on both CMS and s...

Posted in Repeater field variables not functioning correctly on partials [resolved]

I see, so how would I prevent it from showing up previously on the frontend of the website like it d...

Posted in Repeater field variables not functioning correctly on partials [resolved]

The for loop itself does work it is clearly accessing the number of items in that specific array fro...

Posted in Repeater field variables not functioning correctly on partials [resolved]

Does this connect with the static pages plugin? Sorry I'm slightly confused, how does this for loop ...

Posted in Repeater field variables not functioning correctly on partials [resolved]

What I did for menu items unrelated to the contact links using the menu section in static pages:


Posted in Repeater field variables not functioning correctly on partials [resolved]

In terms of code, yes I can as all the data is in the db. As it is an unlaunched site however I obvi...

Posted in Repeater field variables not functioning correctly on partials [resolved]

Hi, I'm currently having an issue with the repeater field variables on partials. I'm not entirely su...

Posted in Repeater field variables not functioning correctly on partials [resolved]