botmyname Approved

Member since: 2020-03-14

Recent posts by botmyname
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Vojta Svoboda said:

So I set the reservations length to 1 minute as you and made the same reservati...

Posted in Displaying data in a calendar

Vojta Svoboda said:

Please send a screenshot of the Reservations settings? Did you set the Length o...

Posted in Displaying data in a calendar

Vojta Svoboda said:

What I test:

  • install October v2
  • install Reservations Plugin
  • install Reservatio...

Posted in Displaying data in a calendar

Installed the plugin, created some test recordings.
In the Calendar menu
Month - displayed correctly...

Posted in Displaying data in a calendar

Установил плагин, создал несколько тестовых записей.
В меню Календарь
Месяц - отображаеться коректно

Posted in Отображение данных в календаре