BobCasarini Approved

Member since: 2015-02-02

Recent posts by BobCasarini
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Spectacular Vladimir. thanks for all

Posted in How to configure any kind of editor

I've installed your plugin and it seems to work without problems. From the list of editors we have c...

Posted in How to configure any kind of editor

Great Vladimir.

You saved my life!

It works perfectly

Posted in Partial '_field_pkurg\posteditor\formwidgets\mlsummernote.htm' not found

Good morning, I,ve a problem with editing Rainlab Blog Posts after installed this plugin


Posted in Partial '_field_pkurg\posteditor\formwidgets\mlsummernote.htm' not found

I had the same issue of a lot of other people with twig strictness. I read this post https://october...

Posted in How to manage twig strictness correctly

I don't remember if I've already asked this question (it's not so easy to search on this forum). I n...

Posted in Is there a way to override MediaLibrary core class?

I read lots of posts but I haven't found an answer about this topic. It seems to me that csrf protec...

Posted in Csrf Protection

Thanks @daftpunk. I think I understand that the best way to get in sync local with production during...

Posted in Sync plugins removes from locale to production with a versioning control system like git

I'm following some third part projects developed with octobercms version 1.0. If I need to remove a ...

Posted in Sync plugins removes from locale to production with a versioning control system like git

This is not a big issue, but only something annoying. Is there a way to order the validation message...

Posted in Ordering the validation messages for frontend form requests