Ahmet Approved

Member since: 2020-11-15

Recent posts by Ahmet
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daftspunk said:

If you're starting with the SQL query, use Db::select for things like this...


Posted in How can I write this sql query in OctoberCMS?

rebaz88.software57521 said:

The reason why it throws this error is because you might be using an ol...

Posted in How can I write this sql query in OctoberCMS?

How can I write this sql query in Laravel?


select `tableA`.*, `ta...

Posted in How can I write this sql query in OctoberCMS?

I want the 404 page redirect to the homepage after 5 seconds, for example. How can I do that?

{% do ...

Posted in How is Redirect done? [resolved]

Hey Ahmet! :) This is work:

if($genres!== null) {
            $query->has('genres', '>', 0, 'and', f...

Posted in Ajax Filter [resolved]

i have a problem. Can you help me?

For example, consider a movie website;

I have a page where movies...

Posted in Ajax Filter [resolved]

Hey Alexis!

Answer me please!

Posted in getimagesize error!

I'm using it for the following codes but it gives an error. Can u help me please


Posted in getimagesize error!

Alexis said:

ahmetcetintas60995 said:

i deleted this section in watermark.php. So, no error now. B...

Posted in Error for Image Upload

How can I use this plugin in this system?

I want use this plugin for this code -> https://github.com...

Posted in Error for Image Upload