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Hi, all,

Congrates Leokhoa for this Laragon... Will simplify a lot of things for lot of guys :-) !

I use it to work and learn a frameWork called OctoberCMS (Based on Laravel as well ;-))...

All is perfect, even virtualhosts I succed in good work without .dev... (y) (My local URL is...: http://p ! ! ! ("p" as inital of project ;-) )

I've only have got one trouble...:

When I test email with your own button 'test email': OK When I use mail() in a plugin in my framework OctoberCMS: OK But when I use swiftmailer with this code:

$vars = [
      'name'    => 'Lionel',
      'email'   => '',
      'content' => 'Mon message (Issu de la page d\'accueil'


    if (1) // Just for easy active or inactive this part above for tests
           Mail::send('mypseudo.testingplugin::mail.message', $vars, function ($message) 
                $message->to('', 'Lionel');
                $message->subject('Nouveau message depuis mon plugin...');

and of course, the email's template in views/mail/message.htm

<p>You got a message from {{name }} at {{email}}</p>



{{ content }}

Note the error message is:

We're sorry, but an unhandled error occurred. Please see the details below.

C:\laragon\www\wl\vendor\swiftmailer\swiftmailer\lib\classes\Swift\Transport\StreamBuffer.php line 298



This exactly same code run very well, even in a virtualbox with a linux based configuration... (The copy is strictly the same with use of a complete private gitlab deposit...)

Do you have an idea what I have to do for this run with Laragon too ?


Last updated


New and last precisions:

    if (1) {
      $transport = Swift_MailTransport::newInstance();
      $mailer    = \Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
      $message   = (new \Swift_Message('Hello Email'))->setFrom('')
                                                      ->setBody('Mon message émis depuis le script');

This code run well... (I can receive real email , or the notificiation with the Laragon's email interceptor, or the two !)

I think, that perhaps, it's just with the facade Mail, I have trouble...

Note: Same trouble with link 'email lost', and even with a new basic installation of October...

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