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A few hours ago I installed October and its plugins 'Wysiwyg Editors' and 'Light Gallery'. As main admin I created a user account, restricting access to anything in the system category and asset management, layouts and themes in the CMS category.

However, this user cannot access Light Gallery, no matter what permissions I try: it doesn't appear in the top bar and no components appear in CMS > Components. I'd like them to be able to create new galleries and put those on pages.

Moreover, when I look at the Settings, they have access to the Wysiwyg Editors settings, being able to change the editor and turn it off for certain content, leading to unexpected behaviour.

How can I set permissions for plugins?

EDIT: I noticed that Components are visible when turning "Create, modify and delete CMS layouts" on. Obviously, this enables the user to change layout files, which is not what I want. Is a separate option available to show only components (and the Light Gallery menu item in the top bar, which doesn't pop up at all, unless I turn on Super User permissions)?

Last updated


Hi Marcel,

Did you find out how to do this? I have the same need with my web site.




Unfortunately not.


When looking at the sources of Light Gallery, I found a line in Plugin.php that could be commented out and then there appears a setting in the administrator permissions that can be turned on, so an ordinary user can use Light Gallery without having to be super user:

public function registerPermissions()
    return []; // Remove this line to activate

    return [
        'rjchauhan.lightgallery.some_permission' => [
            'tab' => 'LightGallery',
            'label' => 'Some permission'

Just change that label to your liking, so a more useful permission name will appear.

As for Wysiwyg Editors I still haven't found the place to check for such a permission, that you can add in Plugin.php of that plugin, so the settings area is hidden.

EDIT: as for the Components: that was a misunderstanding of building a client-friendly website; I simply didn't see that a separate plugin, Pages, can be used to give clients access over content and let use snippets to add more complex behaviour. As described in this post, you'll have to change Plugin.php of Light Gallery to register a page snippets:

public function registerPageSnippets()
    return [
        'Rjchauhan\LightGallery\Components\ImageGallery' => 'imageGallery',

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