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Whenever I try to add a new Bakcend user Role it always becomes a system role, uneditable and with no permissions added to it.

It seems this function always returns true:

public function isSystemRole()
    if (!$this->code || !strlen(trim($this->code))) {
        return false;

    if ($this->is_system || in_array($this->code, [
    ])) {
        return true;

    return AuthManager::instance()->hasPermissionsForRole($this->code);

In fact AuthManager::instance()->hasPermissionsForRole($this->code); always returns true even when I add permissions to it.

I tried updating october but there a no new updates available and If I try to find out my october cms version using php artisan october:version it returns an error as it tries to load a file that is missing:

Last updated


Fixed! That was my fault, but it was weird that it worked fine in the development server but not in the production one.

I was registering permissions this way:

public function registerPermissions()
    return [
        'aristamedia.affiliatecampaigns.affiliate_reporting' => [
            'label' => 'View Affiliate Reporting',
            'tab' => 'Reporting',
            'order' => 200,
            'roles' => ['affiliates']

Just needed to remove the last line 'roles' => ['affiliates'].

From this page:

"You may also specify a roles option as an array with each value as a role API code. When a role is created with this code, it becomes a system role that always grants this permission to users with that role."

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