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I was really exited about the concept and design of October, but starting to use it I run into various problems.

e.g. Settings get lost, disabled plugins activate themselves again or show up in the menu though still disabled and the MM is not working properly (see other thread).

Are these common problems or is this specific to my setup? The install (via installer) showed green for all dependencies...


I reinstalled from scratch with the basic configuration. First plugin I installed was Wysiwyg-Editor to get Octobers Rich Editor. (Any other way to install that, why is that not a core-feature?). Last time that plugin worked, while other things did not (see OP). Now the plugin installs itself in a different way - last time it appeared in the account-menu on the right, now it is in the left vertical menu under "settings". But most of all: trying to open the settings produces a fatal error:

Class 'Barryvdh\Elfinder\ElfinderServiceProvider' not found cms/oct/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php line 541


 * @param  string  $provider
 * @return \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider
public function resolveProviderClass($provider)
    return new $provider($this);

 * Mark the given provider as registered.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider

Even worse: it breaks the frontend-site itself, too with the same error!

Last updated


WTF I installed October 5 times today with the installer, since composer does not work with my hosting. Every time something else is not working, plugins work one time and the other times they don't - next time it's the other way around. So basically everything I tried worked at one time, but never everything at once. This time for the wysiwygeditors I get a different error than the one posted above. I have hardly any plugins installed, Static Pages and Backend Plus, that's it.

I actually don't really need much from the wysiwygeditors except that when it worked one time (then the MM didn't work) I could use the October Rich Editor everywhere and not only in the Pages Plugin, and most of all I could switch between the October Code-Editor and the Rich Editor in the same view instead of getting the Code-View of the Rich Editor which is just plain text on white background.

More than non-essential plugins not working I am worried about the unstable appearance and things suddenly working and then not and moreover breaking the frontend site. I can not imagine using it for production sites at all they way it (not) works for me now...


You only need to remove wysiwyg plugin in backend > system > update. it seems plugin from master anandpatel need to be fixed.

Last updated


Yeah I figured that much, my point is: it seems I can't be sure that plugins won't break in the future, I would expect more stability at least in form of info, warnings like: "this core update will break plugins y, y and z". At the moment there is not much communication about things like that and one expexts upgrades to be as smooth as they are easy to do....


Hi, I don't exactly remember and don't have it installed any more, but you can probably find the plugin via FTP in the directory-structure and delete the directory. If you back up the directory first, this is something you can try without danger of messing things up even more. It was sth. simple as that how I got out of it.

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