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Hey folks. I'm looking at building a multi-site CMS SaaS for a specific niche. At a high level, imagine something like, or (not - users sign up and get their own CMS.

Effectively, I'm looking to:

  • Have users sign up, get their own domain, their own teams/members. Completely sandboxed from other users.
  • Have remote access to these servers from my main server, so I can push out updates.
  • I also want to gut any access to the OctoberCMS backend (e.g. their plugin store). Potentially I'd just proxy this through my own server, and filter things out server-side.

There's a lot of other things I'm doing (like re-writing the admin panel and integrating with some other services, and having a pre-defined list of themes), but I can handle that myself and I'm not concerned about it currently. I'm a developer myself with years of experience with Laravel.

The current idea I have in mind is to make my own docker image and spin up a container for each new site. Each container would have it's own db, volume storage for files, etc. The containers would be programmed to use my server as the update/remote-access server. Initially I'd host it all on one server, but would break it out as it grew.

Anyways, I wonder if anyone has any experience with this type of approach. I'm greatly appreciative of any feedback, and I'm potentially interested in hiring an expert to consult with (or to develop this part).

If you think you can help, message me, or email me at

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