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I'm working on a component and I need some advice. Take a look to this code:

<form role="form" class="sky-form">
    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="input">
            <i class="icon-append fa fa-money"></i>
            <input type="text" name="amount" placeholder="50.00" required="required" data-request="{{ __SELF__ }}::onAmountChange" data-track-input value="" />
    <div class="spacer10">&nbsp;</div>
    <a href="#" class="btn btn-light btn-icon btn-icon-right fa-angle-double-right pull-right">

<div id="results">
    {{ __SELF__.amountToReload }}

And this is the code on the component:

public function onAmountChange()
    $amount = post('amount');
    if (empty($amount)) {
        throw new \Exception(sprintf('Por favor introduzca un valor.'));
    $this->page["amountToReload"] = $amount-($amount*(float) Settings::get('ppal_fee')-(float) Settings::get('ppal_discount'));
    // $this->page["amountToReload"] = $this->amountToReload;

But DIV is not updated and POST comes empty, what I'm doing wrong here? How do I update the DIV with the value returned by the function?


Thanks to @daftspunk for the tip I found my answer here

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