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I would like to use twig and source to include my critical css like the below but I always get an exeption which says view not found.
{{ source('critical.css', ignore_missing = true) }}
The critical.css is located in my assets folder and i tried set the path at {{ source('path/to/assets/critical.css') }} and also tried to set the path in my config/view.php (to adjust the view folder where twig looks for the file) but I cant bring it to work.
Can someone perhaps point me into the right direction where to place the css file so i can use source or even better let me know where and how to adjust the view location so i can leave the files in my assets folder.
Many thanks
May I ask the reason as why you need to use source()
for this? Why can't you simply load the partial using the regular old October way? {% partial 'assets/critical.css' %}
That would be my second option. I would prefer to load it from my assets folder instead of the partial folder just to be consistent with file locations.
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