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in "Settings > Translate messages" when i'm translating texts there is only text-input, so i can't add line-brakes into my translations
You should be able to use
or other line break symbol if you need.
In layout/page file:
{# This will break only on <br> #}
{{ 'line_break_1'|_ }}
{# This will handle both: <br> and \br #}
{{ 'line_break_2'|_|replace({'\\br':'<br>'})|raw }}
In translations table I have:
line_break_1 ...... This is <br> line break
line_break_2 ...... This is <br> first break \br and second one
Is this what you are looking for?
not exactly, i want to have textarea (not text input) in "Settings > Translate messages".
so my client / translator can just press-enter for new line... not typing <br>
or so... hi dont know what br is
Last updated
And what about translations in Static Pages plugin?
You can create your own Custom fields that are translatable right inside of Pages.
There you can add textarea, richeditor, text, ...
In layout you can add Custom field like this:
{variable type="textarea" name="someName" label="Write your content" tab="Extra info"}{/variable}
I am using it for my editors to translate most of website content.
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