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Update: Looking deeper into the source code, I found that the site was looking in config/cms.php for the "activeTheme" parameter - it was set to "demo" which I had deleted on my dev server. Changing that to the name of the theme fixed this.
However this does not explain why this is working on dev and not on the live server.
When copying an october project from my development server to my production server, I'm getting this error. Any idea what is causing this?
/var/www/.../modules/cms/classes/Controller.php line 124 Undefined
* If the theme is not specified, the current active theme used.
public function __construct($theme = null)
$this->theme = $theme ? $theme : Theme::getActiveTheme();
if (!$this->theme) {
throw new CmsException(Lang::get(''));
$this->assetPath = Config::get('cms.themesPath', '/themes').'/'.$this->theme->getDirName();
$this->router = new Router($this->theme);
$this->partialStack = new PartialStack;
Last updated
Hello, please change in config->cms.php file like 'activeTheme' => 'your theme name '.
Thank You.
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