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Is it possible to sort custom column in backend list? If possible, can anybody help me how is this done? I have created getAttribute function in my model: public function getDigitalIdStatusAttribute(){ $userId = $this->id; if($badgeCodes=DB::table('theroomexchange_api_verification_badge') ->join('theroomexchange_api_user_has_verification_badge','theroomexchange_api_user_has_verification_badge.verificationbadge_id','=','') ->join('theroomexchange_api_user','','=','theroomexchange_api_user_has_verification_badge.user_id') ->where('','=',$userId) ->where('theroomexchange_api_verification_badge.badge_code','=',VerificationBadge::$digitalIdBadge) ->select('theroomexchange_api_verification_badge.badge_code') ->first()){ return 'Verified'; } return 'Not Verified'; } and in columns.yaml digitalid: label: 'DIGITAL ID' type: text searchable: true sortable: true valueFrom: digitalIdStatus It gives sql error stating: unknown column digitalIdStatus

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