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There was a chain of events that led me to visual wireframe tools. I'm an all-in developer-cli-guy, and this is waaay outside of my norm, but I appreciate the efficiency boost.

  • I demo'd oc to the design team and they loved it, but one designer was concerned that there's no drag-drop builder
  • i read and read, and found that blocsapp has an oc integration. I watched their videos.
  • blah-blah-blah, i kind of fell in love with blocs. ...for me. ... personally.
  • I'm team linux, and blocs is mac-only, so I bought pinegrow. Pinegrow is fun, but it's geared more for flat html and wp theme design. It has a steep feature cliff with twig-ish workflows (I'm doing more oc and Angular2).

So there's my question: does anyone know of a blocs-like thing that's good with twig-ish flows (template partials and things like that), and works on linux?

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