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I'm currently writing a plugin and I don't know how to implement a way to show an alert when submitting a form without some fields (that are not required, but suggested).
I was thinking about editing in "create.htm" the "Save" button like this:
<?php if(!field-check): ?>data-request-confirm="Do you really want to save? Some fields are empty."><?php endif ?>
class="btn btn-primary">
Where "!field-check" is where it's checked if a specified field has been set.
Can you help me?
Last updated
Your code won't work because the if ( ! field-check)
would be evaluated server-side when the form is being rendered. You will need to perform the check on form submission (with client-side code) or on the form processing (with server-side code asking for confirmation).
My preferred way would be client-side validation. For this, please read the docs on AJAX data-attributes and especially on the AJAX JavaScript API. If you are struggling with implemented code causing nothing but errors, post them here.
Have a look here and see the 'ajaxBeforeSend' event. If you listen for this event on your form, you should be able to access it. Maybe you want to do something like
$('#yourFormId').on('ajaxBeforeSend', function(el) {
and see what is being logged to your console.
I am recommending this because I haven't done this yet with OctoberCMS, so I don't know how it works exactly. But from this point up there, it should be simple jQuery to perform your checks.
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