Custom Forms

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Hello, I wanted to configure the Reply-To header when sending the notification but I can't find how with the abweb.forms.beforeSendNotification can you help me? Thank you

Last updated


Hi cryonos,

Thanks for using our plugin. I actually overlooked the possibility of someone wanting to modify the $message instance :o

If you upgrade to 1.0.6 you will have access to 2 new Events just for what you're after where you can modify the $message instance (add a bcc, bc, to, reply to, etc):

Event::listen('abweb.forms.onSendNotification', function (CustomForm $customForm, &$message, $to) {
// and
Event::listen('abweb.forms.onSendAutoReply', function (CustomForm $customForm, &$message, $to) {

If you find anything else or have any suggestions for our plugins, please don't hesitate to let us know.


I was to make a PR but you were too fast hehe

Thank you very much

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