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I've done some searching and have not found an answer to my problem...

I am extending the Users plugin to include another type of "group." Specifically, I want to use the RainLab Blog Categories Model in my new plugin. I want to populate the relation widget with the categories. I am able to add the relation widget to my new plugin, but when I try to save the user, I this error:

"Trying to get property of non-object" and it mentions my hasOne relationship.

Here is my code:

    public function boot()
            $model->hasOne['category'] = [
                'key' => 'category'
                //'table' => 'rainlab_blog_categories',
                //'key' => 'category',

Just a quick update.. I think I have the problem solved although I'm not sure why this works.

I changed the model reference from 'category' to 'jobCategory' and made it a belongsTo. Here is the updated code:

    public function boot()
            $model->belongsTo['jobCategory'] = [
                'key' => 'category'
                //'table' => 'rainlab_blog_categories',
                //'key' => 'category',
            $model->hasMany['users'] = [

Last updated


Now I have some questions about my relation form field definition. Here is the code:

        UsersController::extendFormFields(function($form, $model, $context)
            if (!$model instanceof UserModel) {
                'jobCategory' => [
                    'label' => 'wwrf.profile::lang.profile.category',
                    'tab' => '',
                    'type' => 'relation',
                    'select' => 'name',
                    'nameFrom' => 'name',
                    'descriptionFrom' => 'name',
                    'span' => 'right'

The relation widget pulls all the categories from the blog plugin. I would like to display only certain categories, for example, those with a particular parent_id. I tried changing my select option to:

'select' => with('parent_id', 3),

However, this displays only a '3' in the drop down, instead of the category name. I have also tried using a where statement and that does not seem to work.

Any advice appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Last updated

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