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Hey guys,

First of all, I just wanted to say that I LOVE OctoberCMS. I am using it for a project at work right now, and it is absolutely amazing.

I am having an issue migrating an installation of OctoberCMS from my localhost to my development server. I am running version 9.x of PostgreSQL locally, but the dev server is running version 8.4.

After transferring all of my files to the dev server, the backend completely crashes when I click on "Blog" in the top nav. It was returning an error saying that the function "string_agg" did not exist; after some research, I realized that string_agg wasn't added to PostgreSQL until version 9.0.

After a quick google search, I found this workaround: array_to_string(array_agg(whatever), ','))

Great! The string_agg Illuminate\Database\QueryException disappeared! I then proceeded to create 6 different categories, and 1 post.

After creating the blog post, the backend has AGAIN decided to blow up: SQLSTATE[21000]: Cardinality violation: 7 ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression (SQL: select "rainlab_blog_posts".*, (select string_agg(CAST(name AS VARCHAR), ', ') from "rainlab_blog_categories" inner join "rainlab_blog_posts_categories" on "rainlab_blog_categories"."id" = "rainlab_blog_posts_categories"."category_id" where "rainlab_blog_posts_categories"."post_id" = "rainlab_blog_posts"."id") as "categories" from "rainlab_blog_posts" order by "published_at" desc limit 25 offset 0) /var/www/dev/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php line 625 This appears when I navigate to /backend/rainlab/blog/posts.

However, still works fine. The posts also still show up on the frontend. However, since the backend isn't working, I can't add any more posts.

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