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Anyone able to get these to work? If so, do you have some example code?


Just an FYI, at the time of posting, there was no polymorphic support in october... but now there is.

You set this up like so in your models:

Quick explanation of the code below

I have 2 models, contact and ocalist. This allows me to create lists and relate contacts to those lists.

Contact model:

<?php namespace OCA\Blasts\Models;

use Model;

 * Contact Model
class Contact extends Model

     * @var string The database table used by the model.
    public $table = 'oca_blasts_contacts';

     * @var array Guarded fields
    protected $guarded = ['*'];

     * @var array Fillable fields
    protected $fillable = ['firstname','lastname','name','email','phone'];

     * @var array Validation rules
    public $rules = ['phone'=>'required'];

     * @var array Relations
    public $morphToMany = [
        'lists' => ['OCA\Blasts\Models\Ocalist', 'table' => 'oca_blasts_ocalistables', 'name'=>'ocalistable'],  // @todo need timestamps

Lists model

<?php namespace OCA\Blasts\Models;

use Model;

 * Ocalist Model
class Ocalist extends Model

     * @var string The database table used by the model.
    public $table = 'oca_blasts_ocalists';

     * @var array Guarded fields
    protected $guarded = ['*'];

     * @var array Fillable fields
    protected $fillable = ['name'];

     * @var array Validation rules
    public $rules = ['name'=>'required'];

     * @var array Relations
    public $morphedByMany = [
        'contacts' => ['OCA\Blasts\Models\Contact', 'table' => 'oca_blasts_ocalistables', 'name'=>'ocalistable'],

Database "updates" files


<?php namespace OCA\Blasts\Updates;

use Schema;
use October\Rain\Database\Updates\Migration;

class CreateContactsTable extends Migration

    public function up()
        Schema::create('oca_blasts_contacts', function($table)
            $table->engine = 'InnoDB';

    public function down()



<?php namespace OCA\Blasts\Updates;

use Schema;
use October\Rain\Database\Updates\Migration;

class CreateOcalistsTable extends Migration

    public function up()
        Schema::create('oca_blasts_ocalists', function($table)
            $table->engine = 'InnoDB';

        Schema::create('oca_blasts_ocalistables', function($table)
            $table->engine = 'InnoDB';

    public function down()


I just try to make the same thing, building a many to many relation and render this datas with config_relation.yaml here is an image about the relations between tables

and I try to get all those platforms where the shop is realted to theme and show the folloing columns platform_name,domain, status. I've been trying from your example like

Shops Model

public $morphToMany = [
        'platforms' => ['Kakuki\TdTracker\Models\Platform', 'table' => 'kakuki_tdtracker_shop_wf', 'name'=>'platfroms'],  // @todo need timestamps

and in my Platform Model

public $morphedByMany = [
        'shops' => ['Kakuki\TdTracker\Models\Shops', 'table' => 'kakuki_tdtracker_shop_wf', 'name'=>'platfroms'],

but I get Undefined variable: mode

Last updated

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