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Hi) I have been advised to check here from Drupal forum, someone suggested me that this CMS can let me accomplish below scenario in an efficient way, without the need to rewrite a CMS from scratch.

I will be thankful if you can advice on that, the original discussion is here. I need also to say that I am actually a software developer, with some background in web developing (Php, Asp, CSS etc...).

Maybe the most critical or unusual one for CMSs is the first one, so will extend it little bit, so sorry if it is too long:

  • Processing content while editing: We need to have enter-article references, such that the user can reference an object (i.e. table, equation, or picture, or sentence) existing in some other article. So, while editing, the user can reference some other or same page’ object, or create one. For that he will enter some shortcode, say {something}, then, during his same editing session, this something should be saved in the background into the database and given some ID, and immediately the contents of the editing text should be updated, particularly our shortcode should become something like {something, ID=12312}, so that he\she will be able to reference this object even from the current, not saved yet article. Furthermore, hovering this link (either in edit time, or by the end user at client side), should show a popup that contains the referenced object, with a snippets of the text that surrounding it in the original article (something like when hovering Wikipedia internal links).
  • Editing history and versioning: Such that all versions or edits of the articles are saved and can be compared to each other with user info and time etc...
  • Hierarchical structure of articles (tree), with drag\drop for admins.
  • Having different groups of users that have permissions to edit only particular articles under specific categories, or only the articles they created themselves.
  • Commenting system: comments can be added to any part of the article objects or text words. In addition to the traditional comments at the bottom. Also an ability to mark the comment as resolved or absolute etc... by article authors.
  • Rating system for articles.
  • Enforcing particular templates for articles of different categories, and those templates can be edited by particular users (by templates we mean that there will be strictly defined headings to use).

Thank you in advance for help.

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