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I'm going on a long flight tomorrow and am going to use the time to move forwards with my understanding of October CMS plugins, twigg, using the database etc.
It's a bit late now (I've saved what I hope are all the relevant documentation pages), but.. It would be good if you had a PDF download option for the documentation, like the twigg project does.
I tried no worky :) plus, I've not finished packing my bags yet, and have to go to bed and get up again in a few hours, so I don't think I've time to get involved in bash/python pandoc scripts and what not.
Last updated
As an alternative to printing a could get a local copy of the documentation on your computer and then just view that instead.
Clone the OctoberCMS Documentation repository to your local
Install a markdown viewer, easily available as an extension for most web browsers. You can find one that works for Google Chrome here. Note, you might have to open the settings for the extension in your web browser and enable read access to local URLs.
There are Git printers as you mentioned, like this one: Github Markdown Printer
I tested it and it seemed to work fine for printing out an individual markdown file.
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