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I've created a theme with Blocs. The output folder contains all the relevant folders and a file named theme.yaml. I've uploaded the whole theme folder to the themes directory on my server. In the backend, I can see the theme and I can activate it. However, when viewing the site I get a Page Not Found Error. Does anyone have any clues as to what may be causing this problem.



The url is the root site ?... have you a page with "/" only on url parameter ?

Regards JL


Thanks for taking the time to respond JL. Unfortunately, I don't fully understand. I'm an absolute novice when it comes to October.

The site at the moment has three templates - the standard Demo, one I downloaded and installed, and the one I created with the Blocs application. All three have the same file and folder structure and all three are contained within their own folders under the themes directory. The first two work just fine, however, the Blocs theme doesn't. Therefore, I assume the URL you are referring to must be in one of the files within the Blocs Theme folder. If that is the case, which file contains that URL information and can it be manually edited.

Sorry for appearing to be so dumb on this, but I'm still on the learning curve.



With the theme with problems activated, just go to backend and "CMS" menu... See the pages, you need to have at least one with Url parameter with only "/" (the root of your server) usually with the name "home" but it can be any name you have chosen when buildinf the theme. Also, by what i supose you have done, you have created a template with one external application not ready for october. Any external template (unless made for october) need to be modified to use the "october way": layouts, pages, blocks and so on. With only the information you provided, can't help more. But you can start by reading the documentation, specially the one about themes.



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