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I am trying to put image(file) validations in my model file but it seems to be not working as I want.Here below is my scenario.


        label: 'Slider Image (jpg,png,gif) (1920 X 600)'
        mode: image
        fileTypes: 'jpeg,jpg,png,gif'
        useCaption: true
            mode: crop
            extension: auto
        span: auto
        required: 1
        type: fileupload


public $rules = [    
'slider_image' => 'required|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png,gif',

public $customMessages = [                
            'slider_image.required' => 'Please select slider image',                
            'slider_image.mimes' => 'Please select valid slider image',                

As you can clearly see here I have a file upload option called as slider_image and in my .yaml file I have put validations to upload only jpeg,jpg,png,gif

But the issue is with my validation rules.

Even if I upload any other extension file (i.e. .zip) I m always having an error message saying

Please select slider image

but it should rather display below error as I have already invalid extension file.

Please select valid slider image

If I do not upload any image then it should display first error and if I upload an invalid image then it should display second error.

Can someone tell me what is wrong in my current scenario here ?

Additionally, I wanted to know if there is any validation rule available through which we can check height width of the image and set rule of minimum height width to upload and put validation message based on it in our model file.



no one ? really ?


I'm afraid I can't help, but I can confirm that file upload validation is behaving very strange...

(and I hope someone can shed some light on it)

It's not working for me either. Not at all :(

in fields.yml:

        label: 'Image'
        mode: image
        useCaption: false
        span: auto
        required: 0
        type: fileupload

in the model:

     public $rules = [
         'img_teaser' => ['image']

When I upload JPGs or PNGs and save, flash message tells me, that "img_teaser must be an image" ... But i uploaded an image.

If I put:

     public $rules = [
         'img_teaser' => [mimes:jpeg,jpg,png,gif']

...and upload PNGs or JPGs or JPEGs the flash message tells me upon save: "The img teaser must be a file of type: jpeg, jpg, png, gif." ... but it is :/

when I put ...

         'img_teaser' => ['max:500']

.... I would expect to only be able to upload files up to 500kb in size but actually can upload images with 2 megabytes and more and successfully save without any message...

So is thre something broken with file upload validation? Or am I missing something important.?

Thank you for any hints.

Last updated


Ok, This is what i have done in my fields.yaml file and this is my Slider.php model file but still i am having the same problem.

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