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I tried to save the data from field that I already Hidden, because the dropdown options can only get the one key.. so I must to get the data by creating new field in different column data, and I want to hide the field so that form is organized and clear here'is the field.yaml

                                        label: Name
                                        span: left
                                        type: dropdown
                                        placeholder: -- select a status --
                                        label: URL
                                        span: right
                                        type: dropdown
                                        dependsOn: office_name
                                        hidden: true
                                        label: Office Name
                                        span: right
                                        type: dropdown
                                        dependsOn: office_name
                                        hidden: true

this is the model

        public function getOfficeNameOptions()
                return Office::lists('name','id');

public function getUrlOptions($value, $data)
    $officeId = isset($data->office_name)
        ? $data->office_name
        : key($this->getOfficeNameOptions());

    $office = Office::find($officeId);

    return [$office->url => $office->url];

public function getTheNameOfficeOptions($value, $data)
    $officeId = isset($data->office_name)
        ? $data->office_name
        : key($this->getOfficeNameOptions());

    $office = Office::find($officeId);

    return [$office->name => $office->name];

but the field that i'm hidden it, can't save the value key. I hope this will solve

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