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I am kinda new to the October CMS world, but so far I am loving it. It is so simple but yet so powerful.

I have still three questions that I couldn't find information online and I would like to clarify.

1 - I tried to add buttons to the code editor toolbar but they simple don't show. I have used the interface in System->Editor Settings->Toolbar options and I have enabled all the buttons:

(undo, redo, |, bold, italic, underline, |, paragraphFormat, paragraphStyle, inlineStyle, |, strikeThrough, subscript, superscript, clearFormatting, |, fontFamily, fontSize, |, color, emoticons, -, selectAll, |, align, formatOL, formatUL, outdent, indent, quote, |, insertHR, insertLink, insertImage, insertVideo, insertAudio, insertFile, insertTable, |, selectAll, html, fullscreen)

However they don't show. Any Idea on how to solve or what am I doing wrong?

2- On the built in code editor there are two tabs right above the code black window. One says "Markup" and the other one says "Code". I would like to know what they do differently since I have been using the Markup tab the whole time to write code.

3 - I would also like to know if it is possible to change the syntax highlight options of the editor and also if there are any plugins to OctoberCMS that give you autocompletion features, auto tags close, auto parethesis, auto quotes, etc.

Thank you in advance!!!

Best regards, T.


geral59694 said: 1 - I tried to add buttons to the code editor toolbar but they simple don't show. I have used the interface in System->Editor Settings->Toolbar options

Editor Settings are for WYSIWYG editor (Froala), code editor is not globally configurable.

3 - I would also like to know if it is possible to change the syntax highlight options of the editor and also if there are any plugins to OctoberCMS that give you autocompletion features, auto tags close, auto parethesis, auto quotes, etc.

Take a look at Backend preferences in admin (click on top-right user avatar).


Perfect! It finally managed to change the parameters I wanted about the editor. Thank you very much for your help!! It is a pitty that the buttons are only for the WYSIWYG editor because sometimes I miss a way to unindent code (it can be a real pain in the *ss to unindent blocks of code). Is there any shortcut or trick ?

Regards, T.


I think you should check Pages plugin:

Here you can find a video tutorial about this plugin:

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