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How to move an October cms installation? I only found the description of leaderinternet, but find it much too complicated. Can't I copy the backup files into another web directory and open the page with a tool? There are several plugins for WordPress that make a move quick and easy (e.g. Duplicator). There is no plugin for October? How else can you make a move? Perhaps is a video tutorial in planning?


How manage the move other designers?


Hi, you can use github to manage this. Otherwise normal FTP would also work.


Hi, I tried this: copy all files from old folder to new folder, change file config/app.php - line 'url' => 'http://...../', to new domain. But this is not working - open page in browser with new domain - error message wrong installer...


If I am installing OC on Shared hosting I go with

Wizard installation

For small projects I just .sqlite database

After finishing I attach website in backend to OC project to insall all project plugins, I just love this option one click, and all plugins are installed! Attach website to Project here https://myweb.oo/backend/system/updates

After this just copy your /theme and your plugin files to /plugin foledrs. And login in your https://myweb.oo/backend And all should work!

Also suggest to use SFTP for SublimeText

If you work with .sqlite database, then you also can copy database to storage/database.sqlite if all is default!

The only folders what you can move around is /themes folder and /plugins and /storage/database.sqlite

If I am installing OC on VPS or with posibility to install trought

Console installation I always use Laravel Forge with auto deploy! And store my themes and plugins in git repo!

Here is my forge deploy script

cd /home/forge/
cp public/storage/database.sqlite "/home/forge/$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H%M').sqlite"
cd /home/forge/
git pull origin master
cd /home/forge/
git pull origin master
cd /home/forge/
git pull origin master
cd /home/forge/
rm -r plugins/mywebsite/*
cp -r private/oct-plugin-login-work/work plugins/mywebsite/
php artisan october:up
php artisan october:mirror public/
echo "" | sudo -S service php7.1-fpm reload

If any help needed I can make video turorial if someone needs it, how do I do it.

Last updated


It shouldn't be that difficult. If you are deploy OctoberCMS on a cloud server, like Cloudways PHP MySQL Hosting, you can deploy using git. Your website should have a repo on github. Once your server is launched with PHP stack, you have to install OctoberCMS and then deploy your website to public_html folder.

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