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Hi folks.

We're developing our business' CMS system with October. We have a wide variety of industry clients so we need to have our system and plugins fully supported multilanguage. In a nutshell, I can help all plugin developers and system makers to convert all constant strings to dynamic (multilanguage supported, backend::lang.dashboard.menu_label style). This is not a big deal, it takes only 5 mins to convert an already written plugins and not take more for new writing plugins, while in development process.

October is a good and open-minded system, so please don't make it static.. I can convert all strings in Turkish language and will support language for new releases of your plugins or systems. Hope this topic becomes an exemplary for all other language known -except English- developers. Thanks..


I agree and have started adding localization to all my plugins. I will make sure to include it with anything in the future as well. If you want to convert to Turkish let me know and I'll happily add it to my plugins.


Of course, you can add me. I can gladly help you. It takes not much time for adding lingual support, but it's a big think for a system which supports dynamic language system.

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