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I created a plugin using Builder and successfully can put images into a piece of content with a Mediafinder widget.
I can easily display it with relative path
<img src="{{ '/storage/app/media/' ~ record.featured_image }}">
or with absolute path
<img src="{{ '/storage/app/media/' |app ~ record.featured_image }}">
However, if I try to use the Mediathumb filter like so:
<img src="{{ '/storage/app/media/' ~ record.featured_image |mediathumb_resize() }}">
<img src="{{ '/storage/app/media/' |app ~ record.featured_image |mediathumb_resize() }}">
In either case it writes an thumbnail image to disk correctly but the file path generated repeats the file root twice :
'storage/app/media' is repeated twice as you see, and I suspect it has something to do with the construction of my twig code.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Actually it's funny how writing a forum question can lead to its own solution. I guess I don't fully understand how mediathumb is generating the thumb but apparently what works for printing the full-sized image does not work for mediathumb. The following does work:
<img src="{{ record.featured_image |mediathumb_resize() }}">
I will update though if I end up hitting another snag.
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