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I'm currently completely lost in relations with the following structure:
preconditions: Not all products have the same discount value Each Tenant can have different discounts
Tenant can be customers, distributors, etc
Tenant hasMany Users
Tenant hasOne Plan
Shop HasMany Categories
Category has Many Products
Product belongsToMany Categories
Product has field list_price
Discount hasOne DiscountType
Discount hasMany Categories
Discount hasOne Plan
Discount has field value
For the backend: In the price tab of product detail view I would like to list for all tenants their calculated prices based on discount (list price, discounts and tenants are given)
In the frontend I would only show the calculated product price (based on Tenant, Plan, Discount)
Currently I have no idea how to do this. I have only small experience with pivot relations. Any help would be welcome. Thx
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