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I'm looking for a developer who can help me develop a custom solution for a client. The client is looking to develop a is a social chat and networking platform that help medical students. The framework of choice is Laravel and specifically OctoberCMS for content management as it will enable the client to easily manage the platform. So a good example of how the platform should look at work would be:



I'm thinking that this functionality can achieved though maybe as a custom OctoberCMS plugin. Since the demographic for this site is medical students and the objective of the platform is to allow students to connect and share knowledge and resources. The plug-in or platform should allow the site to be scalable. So as the community grows the the site can grow along with it. Is this something that you can be achieved with OctoberCMS and is this a project that anyone would be willing help with?


Hello Sbonhom, I read your post details would like to discuss further Let me know your availability for same Discuss further on Skype - anaisys.technologies or mail -

Regards, Deep



I came across to your post & I am familiar with the requirement you have posted and can surely assist you with best quality of work.

If you can share some more details so I can share my understanding on that & accordingly we can proceed with the work .

Even After completion I’ll give you 30 days support if you find any bug & quick action/response on new request

You can reach me at or SKYPE:cis.am2 for a formal quote. I am sure the price will be very reasonable.

Hoping for prompt response.

Thanks, Anna

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