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I've developed several themes that each share common attributes (logo, name, contact info, etc.) and I'd like to create a settings panel where this stuff can be entered and referenced in the themes. That way clients can switch themes without having to re-enter this information over and over. My question is - what is the best way to do this?


pastorryanhayden11094 said: My question is - what is the best way to do this?

Write a plugin with Settings model, use it in each theme:


That was actually really helpful. Thank you. I now have the settings panel setup with all of the fields I needed. Now, how do I get to them via twig? (I.e. How do I get it so I can use something like {{settings.church_name}} ?)

Last updated


pastorryanhayden11094 said:

That was actually really helpful. Thank you. I now have the settings panel setup with all of the fields I needed. Now, how do I get to them via twig? (I.e. How do I get it so I can use something like {{settings.church_name}} ?)

Hi, you could also use theme config as settings (supports backend form widgets) After adding new fields you will have new button to customize values here (

Last updated


ed said: Hi, you could also use theme config as settings (supports backend form widgets) After adding new fields you will have new button to customize values here (

Thanks. I'm actually already doing this. I think this is one of the best features of OctoberCMS theming.

But it doesn't work for what I'm wanting to do.

I'm setting up a system for church websites with lots of themes and much of the info would be very repetitive. I want the people who use the system to be able to enter the basic information once and it just work across multiple themes.


This is what I have:

Now I just need to figure out how to use it on the front end.


pastorryanhayden11094 said: Now, how do I get to them via twig? (I.e. How do I get it so I can use something like {{settings.church_name}} ?)

Something like this in a CMS page/layout code section:

use Acme\Demo\Models\Settings;
$settings = Settings::instance();
$this['church_name'] = $settings->church_name;

or use a component to inject values into page...


Eoler said:

pastorryanhayden11094 said: Now, how do I get to them via twig? (I.e. How do I get it so I can use something like {{settings.church_name}} ?)

Something like this in a CMS page/layout code section:

use Acme\Demo\Models\Settings;
$settings = Settings::instance();
$this['church_name'] = $settings->church_name;

or use a component to inject values into page...

Thanks man. This is going to help a lot.


Can you share your code or plugin ?


This is a working model with a multiple selection of categories (Rainlab/Blog/Models/Category) on theme level.

This creates a dialog with categories in the backend and makes it possible to select multiple categories through checkboxes.

fields.yaml (excerpt)

      tab: Defaults
      label: Categories
      size: small
      span: left
      type: relation
          multiple: true

Theme addon plugin

While the theme is missing a kind of theme.php I have created a plugin and named it<yourtheme>addons (replace yourtheme with something useful).


<?php namespace YourNameSpace\YourThemeAddons;  

use System\Classes\PluginBase;  
use Cms\Models\ThemeData;  
use Cms\Classes\Theme;  

class Plugin extends PluginBase  
    // Table that joins the ThemeData model with categories  
    // Rename it to something to your own liking
    // See below for the SQL definition
    private $table = 'yournamespace_yourthemeaddons_';  

    public function boot()  

    * Added a Twig function to get the selected categories available
    * in my partials
    public function registerMarkupTags()
       return [  
         'functions' => [  
            'themeSelectedCategories' => [$this, 'themeSelectedCategories']  

    * Function to get the data that goes into the Twig result
    public function themeSelectedCategories()
       $currentTheme = Theme::getActiveTheme();  
       $selected = ThemeData::with(['selected_categories'])  
           ->where('theme', '=', $currentTheme->getDirName())  

       return $selected->selected_categories;  

    * Get Categories Options * * @return array  
    public function getSelectedCategoriesOptions()  
       ThemeData::extend(function ($model) {  
          $model->belongsToMany['selected_categories'] = [  
              // Rainlab category model (blog)
              // our pivot table (connecting themedata with category table
              'table' => $this->table, 
              // order to show the categories
              'order' => 'name',
              // theme id in pivot  
              'key' => 'theme',  
              // category id in pivot
              'otherKey' => 'category'

Pivot: yournamespace_yourthemeaddons_ (table)

Rename the table to your own liking

CREATE TABLE `yournamespace_yourthemeaddons_` (
    `theme` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    `category` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`theme`, `category`)

or in the plugins updates folder:

<?php namespace YourNameSpace\YourThemeAddons\Updates;

use Schema;
use October\Rain\Database\Updates\Migration;

class BuilderTableCreateYourNameSpaceYourthemeaddons extends Migration
    public function up()
        Schema::create('yournamespace_yourthemeaddons_', function($table)
            $table->engine = 'InnoDB';

    public function down()

This can easily be done with the builder plugin.


This is a very rudimentary twig based on the twig function in the plugin

{% for category in themeSelectedCategories() %}
    <li>{{ }}</li>
{% endfor %}

Hope this was helpful.

Last updated

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