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composer create-project october/october myoctober dev-master
cp -R -p myoctober/* /var/www/public_html/
I made some assumptions here because you didn't give any information.
- Linux OS
- Composer is installed and located in PATH
- The root directory is /var/www/public_html
Thanks nano hard. Sorry I didn't give more info.
- I am in a vagrant box
- the public folder is mywebsite/public_html
- when I go to the public_html/index.php file is what is load it as in any public directory
- my root folder is mywebsite/
on a web sever it would look like this:
- /home/user/ <--- this is the root folder.
- /home/user/public_html <----- public folder (files that are accessible to anyone).
Last updated
I don't know anything about Vagrant, but you could also just point your apache/nginx config to whatever folder October is in.
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