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Hi everyone here I am again. I have been looking for the https configuration for october so that when visitors type, the brower will assume https:// to be the beginning instead. But I failed to find such configuration. Please help if I have missed anything in the documentation. Thanks!
Is there anyone that can help on this? I think this should be a common topic but cannot be seen in the documentation. Please help....
Check out backendForceSecure and linkPolicy in cms.php
Hi Mexman, thank you very much for your info. I have just changed the linkPolicy to secure. However when i type in it still accesses it through http not https. Is there anything I haven't done?
Stephen I would assume the most likely issue remaining is your server is not loading the requests over HTTPS.
If you are using Laravel Valet as your local web server you can use:
valet secure {app_name_here}
where app_name_here is whatever your URL is before the .dev
If you are using MAMP or any other local server solutions they would need to be configured in their own manner.
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