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I spent some time trying to figure out what was wrong with my regular artisan command, as I always got multiple lines of Errors :-( As I have Plesk (Onyx Version 17.0.17) now in use with of course the option for multiple php, I checked the php Version I had selected in Plesk, which was 5.6.28. When I checked the version from command line the usual way, i.e. php --version, it showed a different version and I got confused. I had simply ignored the specifics when dealing with multiple php versions.... So if anyone else runs into this like me: here is how to (example): cd to the rootfolder of octobercms.

Do NOT enter this wrong entry, as this produces the errors:

php artisan plugin:refresh author.plugin

but instead enter:

/opt/plesk/php/5.6/bin/php artisan plugin:refresh author.plugin

You will need to change the 5.6. according to the php version you selected in Plesk, in my case: php version 5.6.28 = 5.6
You don't need sudo for this.
Now it will work like a charme :-)

Rolled back: author.plugin
Reinstalling plugin...
 - v1.0.1:  First version of plugin
 - v1.0.2:  Added is_published state and publication dates

Of course checking the php Version follows the same Approach:

/opt/plesk/php/5.6/bin/php --version
PHP 5.6.28 (cli) (built: Nov 11 2016 12:04:30)
Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group
... , by Zend Technologies

May be this will help others.

Last updated

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