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I have been reading over the documentation and I cannot figure out how to make a simple form. I dont want to use the create or update actions, as I am trying to basically make a config screen for my plugin. I have made the appropriate xml files but it just gives me an exception saying that formInit() needs to be run.
Nevermind, I figured it out.
You just create a controller using the FormController like any other, but in an action where you need to use the form controller features, have to manually run initForm.
namespace Frontname\Plugin\Controllers;
use BackendMenu;
use Backend\Classes\Controller;
class Settings extends Controller {
public $implement = [
public $formConfig = 'config_form.yaml';
public $requiredPermissions = ['frontname.plugin.permission_name'];
public function __construct() {
BackendMenu::setContext('Frontname.Plugin', 'plugin', 'controller');
public function index() {
$this -> initForm($this);
$this -> pageTitle = 'frontname.plugin::lang.controller.title';
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