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Hi everyone, I'm just a bit stuck atm and was hoping someone could help me out. I'm trying to add a repeater type widget to the Static Pages plugin. It appears the October CMS is mistaking the name of the repeater field as the class path to the new widget definition (which I havent made, I'm just trying to implement a regular repeater widget).

The code I'm using is:

public function boot()
    \Event::listen('backend.form.extendFields', function($widget)
        if(PluginManager::instance()->hasPlugin('RainLab.Pages') && $widget->model instanceof \RainLab\Pages\Classes\Page)
                    'viewBag[featureRepeater]' => 
                        'type'  => 'repeater',
                        'tab'   => 'Feature Content',
                        'form'  => 
                            'fields' => 
                                'content' => 
                                    'label' =>  'Content',
                                    'type'  =>  'richeditor'

                                'icon'  => 
                                    'label' =>  'Icon',
                                    'type'  =>  'text'

Th error I receive is:

"A widget with class name 'formPagef3d85718745d3862104baad55b37de27554027732215fViewBagFeatureRepeater' has not been bound to the controller" on line 472 of /home/vagrant/code/quilloctober/install-master/modules/backend/Classes/Controller.php

Any help is greatly appreciated :) Thanks

Last updated


Hey, did you manage to resolve this? I'm having exactly the same issue.


Nope, never got it working.

The devs tell me it's not really possible at the moment, any widget that uses the ajax framework can't be used in this way. As much as I think October CMS will be great, at the moment it has too many issues like this, so I gave up and used Craft CMS to finish of the project I was working on. I kept running into issues like this over and over that were either unsolveable or very time consuming to resolve.

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