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So far I have written this code with lot of if and for statement but unable to display the images, can anyone suggest what's the proper way to achieve this goal?
{% set project = builderDetails.record %} {% set displayColumn = builderDetails.displayColumn %} {% set notFoundMessage = builderDetails.notFoundMessage %}
{% if project %} <div id="post-header"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="trail"> <div><a href="{{ 'frontpage'|page }}">Home</a></div> {% for category in post.categories %} <div><a href="{{ category.url }}">{{ }}</a></div> {% endfor %}
<div> {{ attribute(project, displayColumn) }}</div>
<h1> {{ attribute(project, displayColumn) }}</h1>
</div> </div> <div class="edit-post grid right"> <a href="#">Edit this project</a> </div>
<div class="cards grid"> {% if project.project_description %} <div class="card single grid center-center orange"> <div class="cell"> <h3 class="card-title">Project <strong>Modules</strong></h3> <p class="card-caption">{{ project.project_description }}</p> </div> </div> {% endif %}
{% for module in project.project_module %} <div class="card {{ module.card_orientation }}"> <div class="asset"> {% if module.project_asset == 'project_image' %} {% if module.viewing_style == 'single_image' %} <img src="{{ module.project_images | media }}" title="{{ module.project_images.title }}" loading=lazy/> {% endif %} {% if module.viewing_style == 'carousel' %} <div>Carsouel</div> {% for carousel in module.project_images %} <img src="{{ carousel.url | media }}" title="{{ module.title }}" loading=lazy /> {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if module.viewing_style == 'gallery' %} <div>Gallery Images</div> {% endif %} {% if module.viewing_style == 'third_dimension_viewer' %} <div>3D Viewer</div> {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if module.project_asset == 'project_video' %}
<video width="100%" height="auto" controls>
<source src="{{ module.video_url }}"></source>
{% endif %}
{% if module.project_asset == 'project_text' %}
<div class="browser">
<div class="ctl"><i></i><i></i><i></i></div>
<div class="grid center-center">
<div>{{ module.project_texts | raw }}</div>
{% endif %}
<div class="label">{{ module.project_module_title }}</div>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{{ notFoundMessage }}
{% endif %}
You can use
{% for img in module.project_images %}
<img src="{{ img | media }}" title="{{ img.title }}" loading=lazy />
{% endfor %}
if you want to set a different path for the media manager you can follow this article: Set custom path for Media manager
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