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I noticed that if you click on the avatar in the backend you can add a title an description but when I do it does not save either Have looked through the documents but can not find a method to save this information and how to access this information, you have the same behavior for files uploaded to the backend I would like to utilize this feature if possible. This is what is echoed out '{"id":23,"disk_name":"5f29c6cd94e57384113678.pdf","file_name":"instructions_for_use.pdf","file_size":388398,"content_type":"application\/pdf","title":null,"description":null,"field":"pdf","sort_order":23,"created_at":"2020-08-04 20:36:29","updated_at":"2020-08-04 20:36:32","path":"http:\/\/test.test\/storage\/app\/uploads\/public\/5f2\/9c6\/cd9\/5f29c6cd94e57384113678.pdf","extension":"pdf"}description' but can not find method to store the title field.

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