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I am trying to develop my first plugin for October CMS and in one part I want the user to select multiple images from the media finder. Since this isn't implemented natively, I am using repeater to add the images one at a time. I have the following in my model:

public $attachMany = [
    'images' => ['System\Models\File', 'order' => 'sort_order'],

And in my fields.yaml:

        type: repeater
        titleFrom: title_when_collapsed
        tab: myplugin::lang.tabs.images
                    label: myplugin::lang.modeldata.images
                    type: mediafinder
                    mode: image
                    imageHeight: 150
                    imageWidth: 250

When I go to my plugin page in the backend, I can choose multiple images, however when I save the post, it doesn't save the images that I select. The media finder appears blank again after refreshing.

Is this more or less the right way to do it, or should I be using something like a pivot table to store the references to the image locations and post ids? If so, any link on how to do that would be a great help.


Hello, Sadly I don't come with a solution, but I'm in similiar pickle- Did You, by any chance find a solution, or workaround to this?


Unfortunately no, I wasn't able to find a solution.

However this is something currently being worked on It just has low priority, so if you really need it, feel free to work on it yourself or ask them if they would accept a bounty to prioritize this higher.

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