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I'm using the Builder plugin to create a backend interface for managing a restaurant menu. I need to pull together data from my website's database using a few different queries and then returning them as one result to loop through. Some of the fields are jsonable and store data from Repeaters. I attempted using a Db query in my scope, like so:
public function scopeLunchMenu($query) {
$salads = Db::table($this->table)->where('category_lunch', 'Salads');
$soups = Db::table($this->table)->where('category_lunch', 'Soups');
$mainplate = Db::table($this->table)->where('category_lunch', 'Main Plate');
return Db::table($this->table)->where('category_lunch', 'Small Plates')
However, that returns the jsonable field values as strings and I can't loop through them.
What's the proper way to do the above as a query scope for use with the Builder plugin?
I hope this question makes sense and that I've included all the info that I need to here. Thanks!
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