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I've seen the manual ways to have multiple models and their inputs be on a single controller, but those were the days before BUILDER. It involves proxy inputs, or some other things.

I am wondering if it is possible to do the same within the confines of the Builder plugin as it is?

I have a user model, and I have a grade model. (Think school), I want the grades to be able to be input on the user's page. Thus grades+user in a single controller page.

Possible with Builder?


You should be able to do this through relations and RelationWidgets, if I'm not mistaken. For your use-case, you do not have grades without users, do you? So every Grade BelongsTo User and every User HasMany Grade, thus you can easily achieve this with a relation form widget and the "create" and "delete" buttons (or whichever you prefer).


I see the instructions manually on the documentation pages. But I do not see 'relation behavior' or 'model relationships' within Builder. Only 'Form relations', which limit me to a dropdown or checkbox list.

What you say is correct, but I am not seeing any way to do that within Builder, and I ask because I don't quite have the chops to just go ahead and do that completely manually. I know the concept, and understand the pieces, I have always failed to put it together successfully, and thus was waiting for Builder to incorporate that. Unless I am missing it somewhere.


I do not believe this is currently possible with builder, but it does help get you started (April 2016).

From the plugin page:

"There are currently some limitations when using Builder. Some of them are missing features which will be added later. Others are ideas intentionally omitted to keep the things simple. As mentioned above, Builder doesn't want to replace coding, while at the same time, it doesn't go too far with visual programming either. The limitations are explained and described in the corresponding sections of the plugin documentation. Those limitations don't mean you can't create any plugin you want - the good old approach to writing the code manually is always applicable for plugins developed with Builder. Builder’s aim is to be a modest, yet powerful tool that is used to accelerate your development cycle."


I was curious about this myself, taking the Books example in the Builder video, if I wanted to extend it where I had a table of Books and a table of Authors. Then Authors might write multiple Books, and some Books have multiple Authors. Previously I'd create an Book-Authors table to keep track of those relationships, and was wondering how it would work in Builder.

Short answer is: can't do it(yet), and your best bet is to manually write a plugin?


Yeah, I figured, but thanks for the confirmations.

If anyone from October team is reading -- this is an extremely important feature, I think.

Builder is cool and all, and I know a TON of work went into it. But as it is now, it is not very useful for probably 90% of the plugins I would want to make. Almost every single plugin I would be interested in creating -- even the "simple" ones, need to grab information from another model or plugin.

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