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Hi there This isn't really a feature request. I would like to know why all the wonderful backend stuff (basically the things you can do in a plugin, now greatly enhanced with the builder plugin) isn't made available for frontend pages. For months I've been trying to build this site for a club with some pretty simple applications in it (for instance a list of members that attended a class, editable by the class teacher) as well as a normal club website (with photo gallery etc.) While installing OctoberCMS and doing some things in the backend with plugins worked like a charm, I feel completely left alone on the front end. I understand that an admin should not just be a normal user with more rights and I agree with that concept. But that means that users of the website (=club members) that need to access an application are not logged in to the backend. And that means no plugins, no lists, no forms. It means "get some frontend framework (Ember, Angular etc.) and code it all yourself. And building all the backend stuff in October seems to me to be more complicated than building it in Laravel on its own. I'm probably not getting a point and I would really appreciate if someone could elaborate on why this is. Thanks in advance!


Many staff for frontend I builded in plugins component. So if you don`t find same staff for front end try build yourself or hire experienced developer for that if you can't do. Also check plugins in market for your needs. For users there is great plugin. I think you just not get power of components and how use them. All CMS system need little affort to learn.

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