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Hi guys!

I'm extending the static pages plugin to include a custom tab, this works great:

    Page::extend(function ($model) {
        $model->addDynamicMethod('getCountryOptions', function () {
            return ['au', 'ca', 'rr'];

    // Extend all backend form usage
    Event::listen('backend.form.extendFields', function ($widget) {

        // Only for the Pages controller
        if (!$widget->getController() instanceof \RainLab\Pages\Controllers\Index) {

            'country' => [
                'label' => 'Country',
                'tab' => 'Additional',
                'type' => 'dropdown'

Since no options are given, the values for the dropdown are fetched (as documented) from the getFieldOptions() method, in this case the getCountryOptions() method, since the field is named "country" - works great.

However, now it gets tricky. In order to have this new TabField stored in the viewbag, I actually need to write:

            'viewBag[country]' => [
                'label' => 'Country',
                'tab' => 'Additional',
                'type' => 'dropdown'

The problem now is, that my getCountryOptions() method is no longer working, in fact I'm getting an error: "get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, array given" on line 1039 ..."

It obviously tries to interpret the viewBag[country] as a method name in order to find the corresponding method for filling the dropdown with values.

Can anyone please give me some input here, how I can get this to work together?

Many thanks and all the best, Michael

Last updated


Hi all,

I resolved this by providing the filler method directly through the "options" field:

            'viewBag[country]' => [
                'label' => 'Country',
                'tab' => 'Addl',
                'type' => 'dropdown',
                'options' => 'getCountryOptions'

All the best, Michael

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