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I'm getting the above exception thrown when trying to upload a file using the new Media Library and when uploading a new avatar image for the logged in Admin.
I tried changing line 74 of \vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem.php to the following, but it made no difference.
return file_put_contents($path, $contents, $lock ? LOCK_SH : 0);
Everything else is working file.
If someone could please suggest a way of fixing this issue, I'd be most grateful.
My hosting provider doesn't allow exclusive locks either!
I ignored the ternary operator all together for the same function as you and just replaced it with a zero (false):
public function put($path, $contents, $lock = false)
return file_put_contents($path, $contents, 0);
This worked for me but I have to remember to do this each time I update to the latest build!
I don't think exclusive locks should even be used here but this is a Laravel issue not October CMS if anything.
Good luck.
Hi asbig, Many thanks indeed for your reply, but I just tried your suggestion and it still throws the same exception whilst either using the new Media Library facility or change the logged in Admin's avatar.
I completely agree that it's a Laravel issue and a very annoying one at that.
Thanks again.
Hi forums752, sorry that didn't work for you .
I just changed my admin Avatar image on a hosted site that doesn't allow exclusive locks and it worked okay using the fix.
Have you tried searching for LOCK_EX in all the files you have in your installation?
Best, asbig.
Hi asbig,
Yes, I tried that very thing. No difference.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Last updated
Hi asbig,
May I just ask you one question please ?
Could you please confirm whether you have the WYSIWYG plugin installed ?
Many thanks
Turned out there were two more references that needed changing
Lines 77 and 146
Hi forums7529,
Did you sort this out?
I do have the wysiwygeditors plugin installed but it didn't give me a problem.
Hi asbig,
Yes, thank you very much.
As you suggested earlier, there were several places where I needed to change the code.
Lines 77 and 146
Glad I resolved the problem but it's a real pain to have to do every time I do an an update.
Many thanks again for your help :-)
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