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I have a scenario where I'm adding a switch field to the Backend\Controllers\Users form. The field is there to trigger something else to be created in the system when a new Backend/Models/User is created.

Within the boot method of my plugin:

Event::listen('backend.form.extendFields', function($widget) {
    if ( ! $widget->getController() instanceof Backend\Controllers\Users) return;
    if ( ! $widget->model instanceof Backend\Models\User) return;

    // move superuser to left side
   $permissionField = $widget->getField('permissions[superuser]');
   $permissionField->span = 'left';

    // add switch for employee creation
        'create_employee' => [
                    'label'   => 'Create Employee',
                    'comment' => 'When creating an account, also make an employee.',
                    'type'    => 'switch',
                    'default' => 1,
                    'span'    => 'right',

The field is added to the form and everything is good but when I try to save it, it's throwing an error around the create_employee column not being found.

I see that the Purgeable trait is something that already exists on User parent model. The purgeable property is protected though and when I extend the User model in an attempt to set another purged value, it throws an error.

User::extend(function($model) {
    $model->purgeable[] = 'create_employee';

    $model->bindEvent('model.afterCreate', function() use($model) {
        if($model->getOriginalPurgeValue('create_employee') == 1) {
            $employee = new Employee;

Is there a way to extend the purgeable array from outside the class? Should I be thinking about this differently?


Figured it out. Instead of directly trying to set the property, the trait has a method to purgeAttributes.

So replace:

$model->purgeable[] = 'create_employee';


$model->bindEvent('model.saveInternal', function() use($model) {

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