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Hi! I just installed this CMS, and I try to enter in backend directory (http://october.loc/backend). And I get this error message:

You need to specify a file path to store the seed. home\october.loc\www\vendor\symfony\security-core\Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Util\SecureRandom.php line 79

What did I do wrong?


Oh, and I uncommented openSSL in php.ini


It's the same issue I have, except I am assuming that you are using LAMP (Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP) or LEMP (Linux+Nginx+MySQL+PHP) or such. You will find information on the forum or in the FAQ.

Remember to enable mod_rewrite for Apache and add AllowOverride All in you Apache config like mentioned everywhere around here.

For Nginx you should further browse the forum, some already have posted the right configs you will need.

Maybe I should consider a switch from Hiawatha to Nginx, cause so far no one has answered my question here and I assume that it's because most even don't know about Hiawatha. ^^

Greetings and good luck.

Last updated


I had the same problem, and I solved it by enabling "mysql_ssl.dll" in the php.ini file (Apache)

Just remove the ";" before extension=php_openssl.dll in php.ini

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